Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Favorite Flavor of IceCream

This is actually a fairly easy one for me to answer... However, in my world there is ice cream and then there is soft serve frozen yogurt... And I have a favorite of each....
First... The yogurt... Yep.... The Country's Best Yogurt... TCBY's White Chocolate Mousse! And if you must know it requires a waffle cone and peanut butter chips!
Followed by my favorite flavor of ice cream... Cookies 'n Cream! And it must be Blue Bell!
And since this is my blog and I can answer the questions the way I want I will share my favorite ice cream treat...
Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwich!!! Yes, a little piece of Ice Cream Sandwich goodness!!!
Now, What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

5 Random Facts and Selfie Photo(s)

I had to look back for selfie photos of me... I take a lot of selfie photos with Colin but not many that are just of me.
April 2012 in Washington D.C.

I looked back through some of my pictures and found a few that I took of myself... And I promise at the end of the challenge I will take a selfie on the day of the post!

June 2013 in Alaska

Now for 5 random facts about myself...

May 2013
1. Most of you probably already know this... Because I think my only readers... If I have any are all people I know personally... But I am #2 child in a line of 7 kids... And yes, we all have the same mom and dad! All my siblings are my best friends and have helped shape me into who I am today!

June 2013 - With T-shirt Colin's brother bought me
 2. I was once in school to be a Physical Therapy Assistant... But I dropped out... And then I tried X-ray Tech for all of two seconds until I didn't get into the VERY small program.  It's all good though, I have since gone on to get my Bachelors in Business and I'm almost done with my Master's in Health Care Administration. So don't be afraid of changing majors! But I am forever thankful for my hardest classes ever of Human A&P 1 and 2 and my medical terminology classes because they have helped me tremendously over the last 10 years since I took them.
Sept 2012 & July 2013
3. On that same note, Colin's doctor thought I was a new PT or tech at his spinal cord injury rehab hospital when I was going through my training because I had such great form and medical knowledge.

August 2013 Chicago Bean
4. When I say I want some Mexican food it really means I want chips and salsa and queso dip! Yep, I usually fill up on those before I even get to the actual Mexican food.
June 2013 Canada
5. I can count on one hand the times that I have ever worn make up... I don't wear it at all. I won't even know where to start. I grew up being told I was beautiful so I didn't ever feel I needed it to feel beautiful... But I don't think there is anything wrong with those who wear makeup.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Outlet through blogging... and a challenge!

I am not the writer in the family at all. But I have found that putting my thoughts on paper is an outlet of sorts for me.

While I have my other blogs where I write about the adventures Colin and I have and my 101 things on 1001 days blog I still wanted to be able to have another place... A place for things that aren't adventures and aren't on the 101 list.

So I decided to bring this blog back to life... I thought I would do that through a blog challenge!

While most blog challenges have rules and regulations you need to follow I decided I would find a list of blog post suggestions I like, then blog through the list... I don't have to follow a certain order or a certain calendar/day requirement to post. This would allow me to write without putting the pressure of keeping up with current life or the constant feeling of being behind on blogging.

So here's the list...
-Self-Portrait and 5 random facts about yourself.
-Favorite Quote(s).
-What makes you happy?
-Best Childhood Memory.
-Favorite movies you never get sick of watching.
-Your last random act of kindness.
-What's your dream job?
-Biggest Pet Peeve.
-What's on your life list/bucket list?
-Daily Routine.
-Last book you read.
-Something that you miss.
-Do you have regret?
-What's on your iPod?
-List 10 things that make you awesome.
-What's your biggest accomplishment?
-Why and when did you start blogging?
-Where are you happiest?
-List 5 blogs you read on a regular basis and why?
-What do you collect?
-What's your biggest fear?
-What do you do when you're home all alone?
-Do you have a hobby?
-Describe your most embarrassing moment.
-Describe your location.
-What's your favorite food?
-List 3 online friends you've never met in real life but hope to soon.
-What's your guilty pleasure?
-What's your favorite time of year and why?
-What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
-Self-Portrait and explain what you liked the most about this challenge.

Happy Blogging time!!