You can also catch me here....
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Catch me some at my 101 things in 1001 days blog
I owe this blog a nice big update. And one of these days I will get around to it!
But until then you can catch up with my at my 101 things in 1001 days blog, leave me a comment if you make it to my other blog.
But until then you can catch up with my at my 101 things in 1001 days blog, leave me a comment if you make it to my other blog.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Life lately
** I'm making this post through an email on my phone so please excuse any weird spacing, spelling or grammar errors!**
So I worked some on my to do list but did not finish it.
On thursday the 28th, I was having a not so good day. I was not having much luck in the job hunt.
Here's one of my many tweets from that day..
"In other news I'm gonna watch cartoon movies all afternoon to remind me of childhood day of no worries except for which friends to play with"
I knew I had enough money to make it through the middle of may and maybe through the end of the month is I stretched the money just right.
I had started not only looking for jobs in the mobile area but everywhere including back home in Jackson. I had sent mom and dad both messages asking if I could move back home if I got a job in Jackson. I was planning on going home that weekend and already planned on stopping by several places about jobs.
Then I got the call... When I least expected it (as a friend kept telling me)...
Express pro (the temp service I have been working with) called to tell me about a job.
The job was with pilot catastrophe (and yes I had to look online when I got off the phone to see how to spell catastrophe), the company works with damage from the storms. They wanted to direct hire me and not go through the temp agency. I was told the starting hours of 12 hours a day 7 days a week because of the high claim volume. (this was the day after the horrible tornadoes that ripped through the south) Pay starting at 11 an hour for the first month, 12 an hour the second, and 13 an hour the third and beyond. Making overtime after 40 hours.
The catch... It was Thursday at 4:45pm... The job started the next day with training from 1-5 and starting the 12 hour days on Saturday!
What to do... I still had my job with regions so I went that night to work and debated on when to quit that job. I ended up quitting the next night after training.
This job is one where the guy who did the hiring the day of training said it was his job to get us in the door and it was our job to keep ourselves in the door. Work ethics is everything and to keep yourself busy and get the jobs done.
Little more on the job... I work for catastrophe management solutions who is a temp type company that pilot owns. Cms is contracted out to different insurance companies with allstate being their largest client. So I'm working for allstate.
At first, I was trained as an initial call processor. Basically we get a list of claims that have been received, most have been assigned adjusters, and we call the insured to let them know an adjuster has been assigned to their claim, give contact information and then give the legal spill... "if necessary, mitigate your damages by making temporary repairs, takes photos of possible, save any damage property if safe to do so, and save any out of pocket receipts to show to the adjuster for possible reimbursement." and I get to say that to 60-115 calls a day!
On my third or so day they called three of us up to a conference room and gave us all a scare... Told us this job is temporary and this is the part of their job the hated. After they had fun scaring us they told us we were doing a good job and that our work had caught good attention and that we might be asked to do other jobs, which is a good thing, and if we were asked to accept.
With this company the more jobs you know how to perform the better off you are because you will be kept around the longest when things start slowing down and will be one of the first to be called back if they have to release people in the really slow times.
So now, I'm on day 21 straight. Thankfully the hours are not as many as they said cause 84 hours a week can be hard on a person. I've learned several other jobs and been able to help other departments and also got a good job email with my name in it sent to the whole department the day after the conference room scare.
And if you've made it this far in the post you get to hear the other good news!!
I'm enrolled in two college classes that start may 25th!!!! They are 2 business classes of the 10 classes I have left. They are 8 week classes. I'm super excited about getting back to school!!!
Hope you've enjoyed my long and long overdue update. Leave me some comment lovin!!
Twitter for iPhone • 4/28/11 1:18 PM
Monday, April 25, 2011
Latest To-Do List
I've been sick this past week and slowly getting better but now it's time to play catch up on things I need to get done. I was very unproductive last week only getting out of bed to go to work. And went to the doc Thursday and was in bed from then pretty much until today sick.
Tonight at work I had to ask if it was Monday because we normally get off between 10 and 11 (usually right around 1030) but tonight we were walking out the door before 915. For a little while I was wondering if I had slept through Monday.
Side note: I was let go from one of my two part time jobs (the that was suppose to go permanent after my 90 days with the temp company) but one of their contract liners filed bankruptcy so out went mine and several other positions. I have enough money in the bank to make it a few weeks but I need to find something soon. I'm looking not only in Mobile but in other areas as well.
So my to do list for tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday....
- Write check to Carrie for the power bill Yes I already did this one but it was on my list I started making in my head ;-)
- Check jobs that Angie sent to me
- Check on jobs Aunt Linda messaged me about (Yea, I know this might sound funny but if I don't remind myself to check them I might completely forget)
- Fill out form to order copy of birth certificate
- Balance Check book
- Write check for JC Penny's card
- Check PO Box
- Mail: - Forms for birth certificate
- Check to BJ (no I'm not sending him money it's a check that was mailed to me instead of him)
- Utility Bills to Lauren
- JC Penny's bill
- Eat free lunch at Chick-fil-a
- Pay Victoria Secret bill @ store
- Print several copies of resume (tried using my sisters printer with my computer but they are not being friends) will probably do this at the library
- Renew books from library
- Return cable boxes to Comcast
- Massage appointment Wednesday at 10 AM
- Cancel Massage place membership :-( I'm kinda sad about this but with loss of income goes unneeded expenses.
- Move pictures from computer to external hard drive
- Clean out fridge (This makes my fridge sound nasty but it's really not... Another joy of this condo... I think the ice maker leaks water so we have a nice frozen puddle in the freezer, half frozen puddles on the top shelf of the fridge and water sitting on some of the shelves and in the bottom)
- Pay health insurance
- Move photos and video off Iphone (I have a ton of pictures from Disney and what not on my phone and I need to move them so I don't lose them)
- Post recipes on Clegg's Kitchen
- Look for ornament ideas for the Clarcko ornament exchange (Yes, I know Christmas is in December but the Clarcko reunion is the last week in July so I need to get my creative side going)
- Look more for jobs.... This is a no fun process!!!!
- Apply to LOTS of JOBS
- Go to Clark Personnel w/ resume to get in their system for a job
- Get in contact with Columbia Southern University about financial aid (I've been trying for the last week and can't get anyone)
- Update 101 blog
- List old wheels from car on craigslist
- Take all 10 days worth of my huge horse pill size antibiotic pills (Not at once of course)
- Unpack boxes of shoes (Put in closet or get together to go to yard sale)
- Bring yard sale stuff to Wattier's for their fundraiser yard sale
This may or may not seem like alot (Or just a crazy list to you) but its what I'll be doing over the next couple of days. And it makes me accountable to actually get the things on the list done!
I'll try to update you on the progress but knowing me for every one thing I cross off my list I will have 2 or 3 more things to put on the list.
Tonight at work I had to ask if it was Monday because we normally get off between 10 and 11 (usually right around 1030) but tonight we were walking out the door before 915. For a little while I was wondering if I had slept through Monday.
Side note: I was let go from one of my two part time jobs (the that was suppose to go permanent after my 90 days with the temp company) but one of their contract liners filed bankruptcy so out went mine and several other positions. I have enough money in the bank to make it a few weeks but I need to find something soon. I'm looking not only in Mobile but in other areas as well.
So my to do list for tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday....
- Check jobs that Angie sent to me
- Check on jobs Aunt Linda messaged me about (Yea, I know this might sound funny but if I don't remind myself to check them I might completely forget)
- Fill out form to order copy of birth certificate
- Balance Check book
- Write check for JC Penny's card
- Check PO Box
- Mail: - Forms for birth certificate
- Check to BJ (no I'm not sending him money it's a check that was mailed to me instead of him)
- Utility Bills to Lauren
- JC Penny's bill
- Eat free lunch at Chick-fil-a
- Pay Victoria Secret bill @ store
- Print several copies of resume (tried using my sisters printer with my computer but they are not being friends) will probably do this at the library
- Renew books from library
- Return cable boxes to Comcast
- Massage appointment Wednesday at 10 AM
- Cancel Massage place membership :-( I'm kinda sad about this but with loss of income goes unneeded expenses.
- Move pictures from computer to external hard drive
- Clean out fridge (This makes my fridge sound nasty but it's really not... Another joy of this condo... I think the ice maker leaks water so we have a nice frozen puddle in the freezer, half frozen puddles on the top shelf of the fridge and water sitting on some of the shelves and in the bottom)
- Pay health insurance
- Move photos and video off Iphone (I have a ton of pictures from Disney and what not on my phone and I need to move them so I don't lose them)
- Post recipes on Clegg's Kitchen
- Look for ornament ideas for the Clarcko ornament exchange (Yes, I know Christmas is in December but the Clarcko reunion is the last week in July so I need to get my creative side going)
- Look more for jobs.... This is a no fun process!!!!
- Apply to LOTS of JOBS
- Go to Clark Personnel w/ resume to get in their system for a job
- Get in contact with Columbia Southern University about financial aid (I've been trying for the last week and can't get anyone)
- Update 101 blog
- List old wheels from car on craigslist
- Take all 10 days worth of my huge horse pill size antibiotic pills (Not at once of course)
- Unpack boxes of shoes (Put in closet or get together to go to yard sale)
- Bring yard sale stuff to Wattier's for their fundraiser yard sale
This may or may not seem like alot (Or just a crazy list to you) but its what I'll be doing over the next couple of days. And it makes me accountable to actually get the things on the list done!
I'll try to update you on the progress but knowing me for every one thing I cross off my list I will have 2 or 3 more things to put on the list.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
to do list
I'm a big fan of to do list.. Or list in general. I make them for everything!
Current to do list is in the making..
Is it sad that I put things like...
-Check Post Office
-Change Light Bulb in bathroom
-Return stuff to library
-Hook up Internet
... on my list. These are only a few things... Things I should remember to do anyways but I'm putting on the list for a couple of reasons.
Main thing, sense of accomplishment. Well maybe not the main reason.
Somethings I put on my list cause I forgot. The light bulb for instance, I noticed it the other day (more like a week and a half ago) when I was blow drying my hair. One of the lights somehow had separated the glass part from the part the screws into the light socket and is only hanging my a thread (quite literally). But I finished blow drying my hair got ready for work and didn't think again about the light bulb cause the other lights still work and its not like I'm going into a dark bathroom as a reminder.
Back to the sense of accomplishment, there is something about the magical line through the things on your list that lets you know that you have completed something! That even if its a small thing or big thing you can look back and know how you filled your day.
So... What's on your lists?
Friday, March 11, 2011
When it Rains,
It pours....
Dad sent me a message back on AIM today... I asked if it ever ends. His reply was... "They used to say, "When it rains, it pours.""
It really got me thinking...
A little back story on my question to dad...
Everything in life has been a little crazy and calm if you can get a grasp of that.
Financially things have been hard for me. No great details yet but think hard and it is probably worse than you can think.
Moving on...
Yesterday I got off work (job #1) to find a flat tire. So I called a friend who called a rescue party for me to change my tire. Now don't get me wrong I know how to change a tire but rescue parties are way more fun to tell about and I would not have been able to loosen the lugs on my tire. Big E (my rescue party) is a big guy and he was standing on and kicking the crow bar to get the lugs loose. So my donut tire and I limped to work (job #2) and home. (Big E told me not to go over 60 on my spare tire, I laughed and told him I go everywhere over 60!)
This morning I headed to the tire place where I got the wonderful news (make sure you read that with lots of sarcasm dripping from it), that I need a new wheel and tire. (I have picture on my phone but can't get them on this post because I'm at work.) I somehow have dented in the inside of my wheel and damaged my tire. Not the outside like most people would hitting a curb but the inside!!! So I got a nice estimate of close to $250 for a wheel and tire and told the guy I would have to go find funds!
Back to the thinking now that you have the story... Well maybe a little more story...
As all of you know Mardi Gras was Tuesday. Mardi Gras originated in Mobile so if you could image it is a big deal down here. The office I work for downtown closes for the day because its not easy to get in and around to work. Monday when I came to work I noticed how dirty the city looked from the festivities over the weekend, knowing full and well that it would only look worse after Tuesday. Wednesday morning came with a HUGE storm. (There was a tornado in a town outside of Mobile, and flash flooding everywhere. I almost drowned my car twice in the streets downtown.)
It was suppose to be a small rain storm but it poured, so much so the streets were drowning in water. Much how I am feeling these days financially. But the beauty of it the pouring rain that flooded the streets to the point of drowning cars washed all the crud and leftover garbage away.
So yes it's raining on me, and things keep pouring in (bills and hiccups... i.e. tire and wheels), and yes I feel like I am drowning. But when all the water is gone it will be a beautiful day with a clean slate!
Dad sent me a message back on AIM today... I asked if it ever ends. His reply was... "They used to say, "When it rains, it pours.""
It really got me thinking...
A little back story on my question to dad...
Everything in life has been a little crazy and calm if you can get a grasp of that.
Financially things have been hard for me. No great details yet but think hard and it is probably worse than you can think.
Moving on...
Yesterday I got off work (job #1) to find a flat tire. So I called a friend who called a rescue party for me to change my tire. Now don't get me wrong I know how to change a tire but rescue parties are way more fun to tell about and I would not have been able to loosen the lugs on my tire. Big E (my rescue party) is a big guy and he was standing on and kicking the crow bar to get the lugs loose. So my donut tire and I limped to work (job #2) and home. (Big E told me not to go over 60 on my spare tire, I laughed and told him I go everywhere over 60!)
This morning I headed to the tire place where I got the wonderful news (make sure you read that with lots of sarcasm dripping from it), that I need a new wheel and tire. (I have picture on my phone but can't get them on this post because I'm at work.) I somehow have dented in the inside of my wheel and damaged my tire. Not the outside like most people would hitting a curb but the inside!!! So I got a nice estimate of close to $250 for a wheel and tire and told the guy I would have to go find funds!
Back to the thinking now that you have the story... Well maybe a little more story...
As all of you know Mardi Gras was Tuesday. Mardi Gras originated in Mobile so if you could image it is a big deal down here. The office I work for downtown closes for the day because its not easy to get in and around to work. Monday when I came to work I noticed how dirty the city looked from the festivities over the weekend, knowing full and well that it would only look worse after Tuesday. Wednesday morning came with a HUGE storm. (There was a tornado in a town outside of Mobile, and flash flooding everywhere. I almost drowned my car twice in the streets downtown.)
It was suppose to be a small rain storm but it poured, so much so the streets were drowning in water. Much how I am feeling these days financially. But the beauty of it the pouring rain that flooded the streets to the point of drowning cars washed all the crud and leftover garbage away.
So yes it's raining on me, and things keep pouring in (bills and hiccups... i.e. tire and wheels), and yes I feel like I am drowning. But when all the water is gone it will be a beautiful day with a clean slate!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Where to start....
Well I don't know where to start. I have had so much happen over the last several months.
There are so many thoughts and ideas running in my head. I don't know where to start....
Part of the past few months I would like to erase while other I want to hang onto forever.
Just wanted to let my readers... If there are any... know that I am here, alive, and would post more but I'm in an emotional state lately and don't want to cry while eating my lunch at my computer at work typing a blog post.
I will try to update soon!
There are so many thoughts and ideas running in my head. I don't know where to start....
Part of the past few months I would like to erase while other I want to hang onto forever.
Just wanted to let my readers... If there are any... know that I am here, alive, and would post more but I'm in an emotional state lately and don't want to cry while eating my lunch at my computer at work typing a blog post.
I will try to update soon!
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